One day Ramesh was driving in his car in a stormy night. There, under a shed, he found three persons waiting for the bus.
1. His Old Friend’s mother.
2. His Best Friend whom he believes a lot.
3. Ramesh’s Dream Girl.
He knows that he can adjust only one person in the car. So, what will he plan?
Difficulty Level - 1/5

A Big robbery was committed at the World Bank,
As Usual the robbers needed the Whole money that was in the safe.
The Executive-in charge at that time was asked to open the safe. Suddenly his mobile rang. A robber told the Executive to answer it. It was his mother.
He answered "Am in Emergency work, Will Call you later " Then he hung up.
After 10 Minutes the cops came and caught them.
How did the cops know about it?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said "twelve." The member replied "six” and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said "three." The member replied "five" and was let in. A third member came to the door and the doorman said "six." The member replied "nine" and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said "five" and the man replied "four." but he was not let in. What must be the reply, so that the man can let in?
Difficulty Level - 4/5

Neil Armstrong enters into a spaceship only to move out after leaving something on the floor. Any idea why & what he left?
Difficulty Level - 4/5

There are 3 doors in front of you labelled with "Bike", "Car", "Bike and Car". You can't see the other side of doors but you are told that none of the label is on the right place.
How can you determine what is behind each door by opening only 1 door ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5

A Man took a loan amount of Rs. 12921(Palindrome) from the Bank, after 1 month he decided to return the whole amount with 1 month Interest to the Bank.
What must be the Interest Charged by the Bank to this amount to make it to the nearest Palindrome?
Difficulty Level - 1/5
It is Christmas Eve in many parts of the world and Santa Claus has already begun his task of delivering presents. But on your turn, Santa gives you a challenge.
He placed a gold coin in the center of an empty bucket & then filled it with peas upto its half. Your task is to retrieve the gold coin by following some rules.
The rules are :
>> You can enter your hand only in the bucket, nothing else.
>> You can not touch the peas.
>> The peas must remain in the bucket till the coin is retrieved.
Other than this, you can do anything you want. Can you retrieve the coin to get the gift from Santa?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Two children were sitting on the floor. 1st child was at one corner of the floor(Point A) and other child is on the opposite corner of the floor(Point B). Both of them started crawling to approach each other but by different speeds. In between, they meet at point X and pass each other. After their meeting at point X, 1st child took 40 seconds to reach at point B and the other child took only 10 seconds to reach at point A.
Can you find out the total time each of them took to change their positions?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
A man was found dead in his bungalow.
Police was investigating this case and had arrested three suspects :
1. His Childhood Enemy “Mr. John Samuel”.
2. His Wife "Ciara"
3. His Son "Justin"
They all had visited the bungalow on the day of murder.
The only Clue was a note on the wall, “91011, I killed him… Catch me if you can… “ .
Police caught the Killer,
Can you guess, who was the Killer?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Find out the hidden meaning of the rebus..

Difficulty Level - 2/5

You have to fill the 4 blanks with 5 different words. The same 5 letters set should be same but it can be rearranged.
The countryman with thousands of _ _ _ _ _ , enormously _ _ _ _ _ about the substantial amount of rainfall, and _ _ _ _ _ around with artificial watering systems when the gravel is burning enough to _ _ _ _ _ the countryman about the likelihood of crop failure.
What are the missing words?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
There are two juveniles in Mr.Sharma's family. At least one juvenile is a boy. What is the probability that both of the juveniles are boys?
Also, there are two juveniles in Mr.Verma's family. The older juvenile is a girl. What is the probability that both of the juveniles are girls?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Finally a very easy puzzle for you all....
Difficulty Level - 2/5
I am a word made up of 11 letters.
My 8,4 is an acronym for that is.
My 9,10,6,3 is concealing stain.
My 7,2,1,11,5 is what the little boy did when his leg fractured.
My whole is as little as it can get.
What am I?
Difficulty Level - 3/5

One of my friend has a unique kind of choice.
He likes Blue but does not like Indigo;
He likes Spinach but does not like Onions;
He likes Avocado but does not like Persimmon;
He likes Shapes but does not like Forms;
He likes to work as Freelancer but not as an Intern.
Actually, his like or dislike depends on some rules..
Can you guess, does he like Tomatoes or Corn???
And His Rule of like/dislike ??
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Hint, Know, Most, Blow, Fist, Chin
These 6 words have something in common...
Can you find the common thing they have ??
-----> I think everybody knows these are 4 letter words <------
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Here is an English word which is used commonly and also well-known among us....
" 100010001000UNI100ATXN "
Can anyone decipher it ??
Difficulty Level - 5/5
In the finals of a talent hunt show, the task was to dabble through a swimming pool full of acid. There were 7 contestants but only 3 of 7 finalists participated in this task. When the 3 contestants get to the other end of the pool by wading through the acid without having any injuries, the other participants were amazed.
Can you guess what happened there!!!! Why they all were not harmed ??
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Which of the following sentence is correct & why?
1. It's me.
2. It's I.
Difficulty Level - 3/5
You have to fill the 5 blanks with 5 different words, but using only 4 letters in all the 5 words.
You have to ans using same set of 4 letters that can be rearranged.
Only Anagrams are allowed, NO repetition.
A ____ old man called his ____ son ____ to keep a ____ on their soul so that they can ____ forever.
Difficulty Level - 5/5

One day, you were going to a world famous Casino"Old World" which is 200 miles away from your home. You didn't know the route and driving by using GPS. In the meantime, you got one point, where the road bifurcated and you were not able to decide in which direction you go(as your phone died).
There you met two friends. Among them, one always speaks the truth and other one always lies. When you asked the way from them, they allowed you to ask only one question.
So, what question did you ask from them to be assured of the right direction and from who you'd ask the question ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Amitabh Bachchan (Vicky Babu) was searching the house of Jaya Prada(Meena) who lives in a long street.
Vicky knew that there are more than 50 houses in that side of the street but no more than 500 houses.
Also, the numbers on the one side of Meena's House add up to exactly the same as all the numbers on the other side of Meena's House.
Can Vicky find the Meena's House Number without singing the famous song ---> "Meena aa gya tera deewana" ?
Difficulty Level - 5/5
An interesting date to reckon is 7.7.49 meaning July 7, 1949 as in this date the product of the first two numbers is equal to the last number.
The game is to find the dates of this kind in the 20th century...
The one who finds the year(in 20th century) in which there are maximum dates of this kind will win....
The game begins now..
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Mickey Virus is taking revenge on his enemies.
He is uploading virus in such a way that the goons' systems virus content double itself in an hour. His enemies system crashes at the 9th hour.
Can you identify when was the system memory half infected with the virus ?
Difficulty Level - 1/5
A truck had travelled 40,000 kms and had used 5 tyres.
If all of the 5 tyres had been used equally in the journey,
how many kms did each tyre sustain ??
Difficulty Level - 3/5
You are given six matchsticks. Can you make something of no concern by using all the six matchsticks ??
Difficulty Level - 2/5

I am a 3 Letter word,
But uttered by a single letter only.
I am a palindrome,
But, there are only 2 letters in me,
I am Gray, Blue and Black.
Can you Guess, Who am I ???
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Can you make another word by adding one "Z" in LEG !!!!
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Find the value of "a"
Difficulty Level - 1/5
You are having keys but you are not able to open any locks,
you are having space but you are not having any rooms,
you have the way to enter but you cant go in.
Can you guess something which is having the same features !!!!!!!!
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Laila and Majnu were found dead in a room on 2nd floor of a multi-storied building, which is a couple of meters away from a railway track.
When investigating, we came to know that the room had only a shelf, a wall fan,
some broken pieces of glass and water on the floor.
Can you guess how they both died!!!!
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Make a line by combining both the rebus.
-------> It should be related to the page. <--------
Difficulty Level - 3/5
There was a race going on between 8 persons. In how many ways, counting the ties, they can reach the destination i.e. finishing line ?
For example : Two persons, A and B, can reach the destination in 3 ways.
A wins, B wins or a Tie.
Difficulty Level - 5/5
Your clock is not working properly(Unreliable Clock).
It is gaining 15 minutes every hour.
When you noticed this, you set 10 a.m. in the clock.
After that, you got busy in some work and when you saw the time again, it was showing 1 pm.
Also, somebody told you that the clock stopped working 4 hours ago.
So, what is the correct time now???
Difficulty Level - 3/5
A rich old American had three sons. Before dying, he wrote in his will that his 17 Horses would be divided to his sons, as follows :-
Eldest Son would get half of the Horses,
Younger Son would get one-third of the Horses and
Youngest Son would get one-ninth of the Horses.
After his death, the sons were unable to figure out how this can possibly be done.
An old wise man without hesitation helped them in dividing the Horses properly.
How did he do it?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
What are the values of a and b ??
Difficulty Level - 1/5
You are running a small business. To promote your brand, you decided to distribute Red, Black and Green Pens (having your brand name on them) among 100 persons. You have a budget of 100 dollars.
You decided not buy a single pen extra and also spending the exact $100 on buying pens. (Expecting printing cost nil)
The cost of different colored pens i.e Red, Black and Green Pens are $6, $3 ad $0.10 respectively.
So, what is the exact number of different colored pens will you buy ?
Difficulty Level - 5/5