Laila and Majnu were found dead in a room on 2nd floor of a multi-storied building, which is a couple of meters away from a railway track.
When investigating, we came to know that the room had only a shelf, a wall fan,
some broken pieces of glass and water on the floor.
Can you guess how they both died!!!!
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Make a line by combining both the rebus.
-------> It should be related to the page. <--------
Difficulty Level - 3/5
There was a race going on between 8 persons. In how many ways, counting the ties, they can reach the destination i.e. finishing line ?
For example : Two persons, A and B, can reach the destination in 3 ways.
A wins, B wins or a Tie.
Difficulty Level - 5/5
Your clock is not working properly(Unreliable Clock).
It is gaining 15 minutes every hour.
When you noticed this, you set 10 a.m. in the clock.
After that, you got busy in some work and when you saw the time again, it was showing 1 pm.
Also, somebody told you that the clock stopped working 4 hours ago.
So, what is the correct time now???
Difficulty Level - 3/5
A rich old American had three sons. Before dying, he wrote in his will that his 17 Horses would be divided to his sons, as follows :-
Eldest Son would get half of the Horses,
Younger Son would get one-third of the Horses and
Youngest Son would get one-ninth of the Horses.
After his death, the sons were unable to figure out how this can possibly be done.
An old wise man without hesitation helped them in dividing the Horses properly.
How did he do it?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
What are the values of a and b ??
Difficulty Level - 1/5
You are running a small business. To promote your brand, you decided to distribute Red, Black and Green Pens (having your brand name on them) among 100 persons. You have a budget of 100 dollars.
You decided not buy a single pen extra and also spending the exact $100 on buying pens. (Expecting printing cost nil)
The cost of different colored pens i.e Red, Black and Green Pens are $6, $3 ad $0.10 respectively.
So, what is the exact number of different colored pens will you buy ?
Difficulty Level - 5/5
Three friends, Amar, Akbar and Anthony got a task to dig a hole.
On their own, Amar can dig a hole in 18 minutes,
Akbar can dig a hole in 6 minutes and
Anthony can dig a hole in 5 minutes.
Amar and Akbar did not know that, Anthony has Short term memory loss.
So, when they started to dig the hole together, Anthony forgotten what he was supposed to be doing. So, he started shovelling the dirt back into the hole at the same rate as he could have removed dirt.
Amar and Akbar never noticed this.
So, how much time will they take to complete the task ???
Difficulty Level - 3/5
You are given last 22 alphabets of English i.e. from E to Z. Can you write hundred(100) words of English in 30 seconds by using only the above said alphabets ?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Dead or Alive battle is going on between "Daya" and "Abhijeet". The referee "ACP Pradyuman" has two papers with him -- one with "DEAD" written on it and other with "ALIVE" written on it -- Both papers are folded up and placed in a bowl. Daya is permitted to pick out one of the papers (without looking), and if he choose the one with "ALIVE" written on it, he will come out alive by winning the battle. Otherwise, he will die.
On this occasion, a mean-spirited acquaintance of Daya, bent on his demise, has substituted the paper with "ALIVE" written on it with another one with "DEAD" written on it. This person gleefully informs Daya that he is doomed to die. Daya is not permitted to speak to anyone about this misdeed, nor he has a chance to switch the papers or the bowl. How can Daya win the battle?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Two friends, Jay and Viru, were playing Brain Battle and try to beat each other with brain only. Jay made a figure on a table by using 7 coins and said to Viru with a mischievous look in his eyes that you will not be able to solve this one.
The task was to take away two coins from the arrangement so that he leave five coins across and three coins going down.
Viru was amazed and said he couldn't solve this one even if he spend his whole life in thinking about this one.
Can you get into Jay's skulduggery and solve this one ?
Difficulty Level - 4/5

In some situations, I oppose the motion
In other situations I facilitate the motion but,
I always oppose the relative motion between the two moving surfaces.
Put some lubricant and I become smaller making the moving surfaces rough,
I make the movement tough I may be static sliding or rolling but whenever two surfaces are in motion I am always there.
Tell me who I am..
Difficulty Level - 2/5
It was one of the Career threatening injury for #SachinTendulkar. What is it ?
Difficulty Level - 1/5
>>>> Cricket is not a Religion but #Sachinism is <<<<<
In 1999, Sachin Tendulkar (26 years) was the captain of Indian Cricket Team & at that time, Nayan Mongia (3 years older than Sachin) was keeping wickets. If the ages of both Sachin & Mongia are excluded from the 11 member team, the average age of the remaining players would become 1 year less than the average of whole team.
Can you answer the average age of the team ???
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Sachin and Ganguly were batting against Zimbabwe to achieve a target of 205.
India were 198/0, Sachin and Ganguly, both were 94 not out.
Ganguly decided to wrap up the things in the next 3 balls (last balls of that over)
but Sachin reminded him that he is on 94 and at non-strikers end.
How could they both get to 100* and finishing the game in the next 3 balls ??
Difficulty Level - 4/5
>>>> We are dedicating this week to Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar - A True Cricketing Legend. #SACHINISM <<<<<<
Which Cricketing Term can be derived the picture ???
Difficulty Level - 5/5
One of my friend was going from my hometown, Kaithal to Karnal, with a full tank of gasoline i.e. 23 gallons.
But unfortunately, at that exact moment his gasoline tank sprang a leak, due to which he started losing 1 gallon of fuel each hour.
When going to Karnal which is 60 kms away, he could only manage a speed of 12 kmph.
But on the way back to Kaithal, he managed a speed of 16 kmph.
(He was travelling at 8 kms per gallon)
Were 23 gallons enough for the round trip ??
If not, how much more gallons, he needs ??
Difficulty Level - 3/5
One of my friend, Shaun asked me to bring a wire from the market.
I was so confused at that moment, that I accidentally interchanged the feet and inches.
When he measured the wire that I brought, it was only 5/8 of the length required.
Can you tell, how much wire did Shaun originally asked to bring ??
Difficulty Level - 3/5
You have 10 Rubik Cubes.
Can you arrange them in 5 rows, with each row containing 4 Rubik Cubes.
You can't place any Rubik Cube on top of any other Rubik Cube.
Difficulty Level - 5/5

Shaun was six years old when he marked a nail into his favorite palm tree to mark his height.
Ten years later at age sixteen, Shaun returned to see how much higher the nail was.
If the tree grew by 7 cms each year, how much higher would the nail be?
Difficulty Level - 3/5

Four friends Tom, Dick, Harry & Sally are in a conversation to find out the culprit amongst them.
1. TOM said "DICK is the culprit".
2. DICK said "TOM is the culprit".
3. HARRY said "DICK is telling the truth".
4. SALLY interrupted them in between & said "HARRY isn't lying".
Three of them are telling a lie. So. who's the culprit ??
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Find the number that will replace the question mark....
Difficulty Level - 1/5
There are 10 members in a Muslim family. Their average age is "X" years.
It remain same after 4 years, because 1 young child is added to the family replacing an old member.
Find the age difference between the child and the old one....
Difficulty Level - 3/5
In a certain country, 1/2 of 5 = 3.
If the same proportion holds everywhere in the country,
what is the value of 1/3 of 10 ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5

As one of my friend was going to Afghanistan,
he met a man with eleven wives.
Each wife had eleven sacks,
Each sack had eleven cats,
Each cat had eleven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to Afghanistan ?
Difficulty Level - 1/5
Where should the missing hour hand point to on the bottom clock ??
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Name the country which is hidden in the paragraph below :-
Sleeper was a great comic book series.
Also, a person who is sleeping is known as sleeper.
But in rails you can find a sleeper under which you can put your things...
Difficulty Level - 3/5