

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Green House Riddle


There is a GREEN House. 
Green House Riddle - RiddlesInside GREEN House, there is a WHITE House.
Inside WHITE House, there is a RED House.
Inside RED House, there are a lot of Babies....
What is it??

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Hard Logic Puzzle

Hard Logic Puzzle - Brainhub#56

A student wants to draw points on a paper in a mathematical ordered way. (i.e. in rows)
Also, he wants to create a total of 19 rows of points.

What should be the minimum number of points required by the student to have 19 rows ???
(Considering that there should be more than 2 points in line to be counted as a row)

  Difficulty Level - 5/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Alphabet Interview Problem

Alphabet Interview Problem - Puzzles
An interview was conducted to test the structure, usage and competence of all English letters. To do this, each letter was interviewed for 1 hour in sequence & the interview was expected to take a whole day. Letter A was the 1st, B, C, D to follow... till letter X which rounded off the interview. Why was letter Y & Z left out?

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Find the Missing Number

Missing Number - Maths Puzzles
  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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New Triangle Problem

                How can you make a New Triangle by moving only 3 pennies...  ?

New Triangle Problem - Puzzles
  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Friday, 30 August 2013

Death In A Bar

Science Puzzle - Brain Teaser

How come the second man dies ??

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

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Series Puzzle

Series Puzzle - Maths Puzzle
  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here
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One Rupee Problem

One Rupee Problem - Brainhub
  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Math in Your Head

Math in Your Head - Brain Teaser
  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Pastry Problem


Pastry Problem - Brain TeaserThere are 20 members in a family & they have 20 pastries.
You have to divide pastries among them so that 
Each child get 1/2 pastry,
Each lady get 2 pastries and
Each man get 3 pastries.
What is the exact no. of children, ladies & men in the family....??

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Odd Box Problem

Odd Box Problem - Logic Puzzle
You have 8 identical boxes (in size, shape and color), and a two arm balance scale. One of the box is heavier than the other ones. 
In how many steps you can find the heavier box and how do you do it?

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Which Garfield is different?


  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Maths Problem

Maths Problem - Brain Teaser
How can u make 1024 by using exactly five 8's.....?

(You can use any mathematical operation)

 Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Wet Hair Problem

Wet Hair Problem - Logic Puzzle
There were 3 persons in a boat at Brahmaputra river, later the boat capsized but only 2 persons got their hair wet . Where was the 3rd one & why he did not get his hair wet ??

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Logic Puzzle

Logic Puzzle - Brainhub
If the red house is on the right side of the white house and the blue house is on the left side of the white house, then, where is the white house ?

  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Number Series Puzzle

Number Series Puzzle - Maths Puzzle

What is the next no in the series??
6, 14, 36, 98, 276, ??

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here     

Triangle Problem


Can you count the number of Triangles in the figure?
Triangle Problem - Brainhub
  Difficulty Level - 5/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Simple Maths Puzzle

Simple Maths Puzzle - Brainhub
  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Situation Puzzle

Situation Puzzle - Brainhub

A part of forest caught fire and a child inside a small cabin (which was locked from inside) died before the fire caught the cabin. So, how did the child die?

  Difficulty Level - 5/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Friday, 23 August 2013

Maths Puzzle

Maths Puzzle - Brain Teaser
Using exactly 8 eights, how can you make 1000..?
(you can use any mathematical operation)

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Tricky Fraction Problem

Maths Puzzle - Tricky Fraction Problem
Can you arrange the numerals 1 to 9 in a single fraction that equals exactly 1/3 (one-third) ??
Example that doesn't work : 1234/56789 = 0.0217

  Difficulty Level - 3/5
  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here 

Ring Problem


Puzzles - Ring Problem

Given the current price of gold, how much would you pay for the ring in the 'Lord of the Rings'?

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     

  For Hint : Click Here      

Simple Logic Puzzle

Brain Teaser - Simple Logic Puzzle

Is it legal for a woman living in North India to be buried in South India?

  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Crazy Puzzle

Crazy Puzzle - Brainhub

If you are in a Ship, which is in the middle of the sea and suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?

  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Matrix Problem


Solve this operation on matrix by finding X?
Brainhub - Matrix Problem

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Hard Thinking Puzzle


River Temple River Temple River Temple
You are going to temple carrying some flowers. Whenever you crosses the river, the no. of flowers doubles everytime. You have to put exactly the same no. of flowers in the temple. You must carry some flowers, whenever you crosses river and after leaving the last temple, you must not have any flower.
How many flowers will you carry ???

  Difficulty Level - 4/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Maths Puzzle

Maths Puzzle
  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Monday, 12 August 2013

Dirt Problem

Dirt Problem

How much dirt is there in a hole that measures 2 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet?

  Difficulty Level - 1/5

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Find The Number

Maths Puzzle - Find The Number

Find the no...
1 + 1 = 8
2 + 2 = 32
3 + 3 = 72
4 + 4 = ?

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Beer Problem


There are 6 glasses in a row. The 1st 3 are full of beer and the next 3 are empty.
By moving only 1 glass, how can you make them alternate between full and empty ??

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Hard Thinking Puzzle


What Seven letter word becomes longer when the third (3rd) letter is removed ??

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
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Guess The Number

Guess The Number

I am an odd number.
Take away one letter and I become even.
What number I am??

Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

What am I ??


I am a word of 5 letters..
What am I

If you remove my 1st letter, I will be a form of energy..
If you remove my 1st 2 letters, I will be needed for living..
If you remove my 1st 3 letters, I will be a preposition..
If you remove my 1st 4 letters, I will be a drink for you...

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Who Am I ??

Who Am I

Simultaneously I go up, I go down.
I go up towards the beautiful sky and down towards the greenground.
I am present tense.
I am past tense too.
Children loves me.
Who am I ??

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Word Problem


What is a word made up of 4 letters, yet is also made up of 3. Although is written with 8 letters, and with 4. Rarely consists of 6, and never is written of 5.

  Difficulty Level - 1/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

How Many Triangles ??

How Many Triangles ??
  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Friday, 9 August 2013

Lateral Thinking Puzzle


Lateral Thinking
WHY ???
A man resides at the 17th floor and uses lift everyday. While leaving for office he reaches ground floor directly and follows to office. In the evening when he returns, if he is alone, first he will go to 10th floor and walk by stairs for the remaining floors, else if there are other people also with him or it is a rainy day, he manages to reach directly at the 17th floor. Why does he use such a technique?

  Difficulty Level - 2/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here      

Isolated Island Problem


TractorA Farmer took a tractor to an island (where alternate seasons go on). The island was in the middle of a very deep lake and isolated from the cities as there is no mode of transport to reach there. So, how did the farmer get that tractor there???

  Difficulty Level - 3/5

  For Solution : Click Here     
  For Hint : Click Here